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Wall Mount ESD Wrist and Heel Strap Tester and Metal Footplate
SI-502 Wall Mount ESD Wrist and Heel Strap Tester
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For ESD Heel Straps AND ESD Wrist Straps
Includes Tester, Wall Mount Station, Heavy Duty Metal Foot Plate, Plate to Tester Connection Cable and Compliance Certification.

Our Price: $249.95

Product Code: SI-502

Description Extended Information
When working with static sensitive product the first line of defense (for seated technicians) is generally an ESD wrist strap. For standing technicians (that are working on an ESD floor or static conductive floor mat) heel straps may be used in place of wrist straps. As such it’s important to test ESD wrist straps and heel straps on a frequent ongoing basis.
Our SI-502 Wall Mount ESD Wrist and Heel Strap Tester and Metal Footplate provides Fast Reliable Testing of the Technician's Conductivity in Combination with their Straps. The SI-502 strikes the perfect balance between cost, performance and longevity and is powered by an easy to replace 9 volt battery that will provide 1000's of test before needing replaced.
Unlike some testers that require an extensive and expensive learning period, this robust tester features an easy to comprehend Hi-Fail / Low-Fail / Pass set of LED readouts and a built in audio signal that quickly lets the technician know that their test is complete and their straps are in compliance to the new ANSI standards.
Each unit is supplied with a certificate of calibration valid for one year . The SI-502 is Warranted for 1 year from the original date of purchase and may also be used to test primary grounding smocks and smock cords.
  • Fast, concise and very economical.
  • AC isolated, 9 Volt battery powered.
  • Heavy duty metal footplate included at no charge!
  • LED Alarms below 750K (test safety resistor).
  • LED Alarms above 10 Megs.
  • Audible AND Visual PASS indicator. INCLUDES certificate of Calibration. Multiple wrist strap inputs handle a variety of terminations. Test wrist strap, wrist strap cord, and the conductivity of the technician’s skin. Test the technicians conductivity in combination with their heel straps and safety resistors ALL in one fast easy to comprehend push of a button. Search Google for ESD test stations! Order yours from United and save your ESD program a substantial amount of money!

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