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ElectraThane Specialty Sealer - Case Lot (4x1)
AntiStatic Sealer for Standard and Conductive Epocy Flooring
ElectraThane Anti-Static ClearCoat for Flooring ONLY from United SCP!

Outstanding static dissipative properties reduces nuisance static from standard VCT, sheet vinyl and thick set epoxy. Used to tailor the Electrical Conductivity of ElectraGuard and provide shine, gloss and added durability. The longest lasting, most electrically stable anti static floor coating in the industry.

Our Price: $313.37
Sale Price: $269.50
You save $43.87!

Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: ETHANE-4

Description Technical Specs and Downloads Extended Information
ElectraThane anti-static clear coat is designed to reduce nuisance static on all types of hard surface flooring. It's much more robust than ANY esd floor finish. It's easier to apply, longer lasting and provides THE most reliable and electrically stable static dissipative properties of any clear coating on the market. When applied to ElectraGuard static conductive ESD Epoxy, ElectraThane will slightly raise the insulative properties while increasing shine and cleanability. This attribute is helpful when "adjusting" the electrical resistivity upwards for munitions flooring that must comply with DoD 4145.26-M (March 13,2008). ElectraThane may also be used for elimination of nuisance static generation encountered with Garland, Sika, Stonehard and any other thick set standard epoxy flooring. ElectraThane also features excellent recoatability and (in the case of aggressive contamination) may be removed (with effort) and re-applied. ElectraThane is designed for mop on applications (2 to 4 coats) depending on the substrate.
  • Reduces Static Generation
  • For ALL Hard Surface Flooring.
  • Robust and Long Lasting.
  • Powerful Anti-Static Protection
  • Urethane Enhanced, Tougher than Nails!

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