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6.5" x 7/8" Anti Static Brush
Static Dissipative ESD Brush
Our Price: $7.99

Product Code: WT-05

Description Extended Information
Used to remove particulate and static laden dust and debris. Features a wooden handle coated with an antistatic coating bonded to a metallic brush holder that bonds the permanently antistatic bristles. Helps to equalize the static potential between the brush fibers, handle and technician for the subsequent discharge of the accumulated charges through the primary ground system for the technician. Heat resistant and resistant to most common chemicals used in the electronic assembly environment. Perfect for electronic manufacturing and excellent for working with high voltage equipment.
  • Static dissipative handle
  • Static dissipative fibers help control electrostatic generation.
  • Chemical resistant brush head.
  • Clean brush fibers, no carbon sloughing.
  • Excellent for use around many high voltage power sources.
  • Heat resistant to 175 degrees F.

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