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ElectraShield-7077 Static Dissipative Carpet Treatment
E-Shield in Gallon Container

Transforms Standard Carpeting into Static Dissipative Carpeting

Approximate coverage: 350 sf per gallon

Single Gallon Container $128.99

Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: ESHIELD-1

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ElectraShield Options:

Description Technical Specs and Downloads Extended Information
ElectraShield is by far the most powerful anti static carpet treatment on the market. It is easy to apply, long lasting and environmentally friendly. Our testing shows the electrical conductivity that WE achieved. Your result may vary. Regardless of the electrical conductivity the static generation while walking on carpet treated with ElectraShield remains EXTREMELY low. Always pretest the electrical conductance should compliance to S20.20 be a requirement. This product is a perfect option for Labs, Telecom Areas and Server Rooms. ElectraShield is fast and easy to apply, low to no odor and long lasting (one year typical). ElectraShield meets stringent VOC emissions standards.

Reduces th
e Static Charge even on people wearing standard shoes!

ElectraShield transforms standard glued down carpeting into Operational Equipment Grade Static Dissipative Carpet thus helping control the damaging effects caused by an electrostatic discharge to sophisticated electronics.
This level of static conductivity often meets a multitude of high level standards such as ANSI ESD S20.20-2021, ATIS-0600321, Motorola R56 (c.3.3 flooring) and FAA STD 019E. Please Note: Pretesting is always recommended.

  • Perfect for 911 Centers, Labs, Networked Offices and Server Areas
  • Recognized as SAFE around energized equipment.
  • Long term life expectancy and easy to reapply if needed.
  • Easy, FAST application with little to no odor.
  • Environmentally Friendly, Low VOC content.
  • Made in the U.S.A!

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